Monday, April 21, 2014

Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall

The Wall is a song made in three parts, represents all that a man has suffered through his life, in this is case roger waters, the leader of  the pink Floyd band tells his history through a fictitious character named pink Floyd. The part two of the wall represents the childhood in which every situation of that school, such as the dictator teacher, and the abolition of freethinking is another brick of  his wall of solitude, violence and war.

Another Brick In The Wall is full of metaphorical concepts, and in  the part two we can see for example in the beginning of the video, the faceless people in the train, represents  how  millions of  Jews people , as well as  intellectuals,  and political dissidents, were led by the Nazis and their allies during World War II to the extermination. In this way is how Roger Waters perceives education in his moments of childhood.

Another Brick In The wall Presentation

1 comment:

  1. Great presentation and project Hector Mario. Please make sure proper names have inicial capital letter.... I would add that ANother Brick in the Wall trascended from a personal perspective of life to more social and political concerns, Indeed, this song was banned in some countries because it became a strong critique to their close-minded and authoritarian education systems. It also became a song that invited nations to tear down the walls socially, economically and politically created as the Wall of Berlin or the division between the East and the West during the Cold War period.


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